Itchy skin can be a huge problem, and it can be because of reasons such as dryness, allergic reactions to certain products, weather change, and more. Though dermatological products can provide instant relief in such cases, trying some tried-and-tested home remedies is also the right thing to do. Home remedies for itchy skin not only provide relief to your skin but also nourish it in the right manner.
Let’s find out about some safe and effective home remedies that you can do if you want to achieve clear and itch-free skin.
1. Aloe Vera
One of the most trusted home remedies for itchy skin is aloe vera gel. It is known for its cooling and hydrating properties. The gel that is taken from the aloe vera plant has antioxidant properties that nourish and rejuvenate the skin. All you need to do is to simply open up an aloe vera plant, take out the gel from it, and directly apply it to your skin. Leave it for some time on your skin, and your skin will naturally absorb it. Make sure that you don’t use an excess of it and look for a natural plant only free from fragrances.
2. Coconut Oil
Another versatile remedy that can treat a variety of skin issues such as dryness and itchy skin is coconut oil. It has certain properties that provide a barrier to your skin that provides moisture loss. In addition to this, virgin coconut oil is very effective for the skin because of its levels of fatty acids and other antioxidants. Take a small amount of coconut oil in your hand; if it’s warm, it’s more helpful, and gently massage it on your itchy skin areas. Leave it overnight for deep hydration and better results.
3. Oatmeal Bath
Colloidal oatmeal is made by finely grinding oats and is a trusted remedy for itchy and dry skin. It forms a protective barrier on your skin that retains moisture, and its anti-inflammatory properties look after the redness on your skin. To make an effective oatmeal bath for your skin, you need to add 1-2 cups of oats to lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes. This particular home remedy does wonders for conditions like eczema, sunburn, etc. After bathing, you need to dry off your skin and lock in the moisture with a hydrating moisturizer. The best part is this remedy is good for sensitive skin as well.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Though apple cider vinegar is known for multiple effective reasons for our body, it treats itchy skin as well. It has pH-balancing properties, and along with that, it has antifungal and antibacterial properties. For instant relief, you need to mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar with water and then apply this solution to your affected area. Allow it to dry, and then you can rinse off the area with water. On the other hand, if you have a lot of itchy skin, then you can add 1-2 cups of apple cider vinegar to water and soak for 20 minutes. If you don’t want to go for over-the-counter medications, then go for this particular one.
5. Raw Honey
Honey is also one of the best home remedies that you can try for itchy skin. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in locking moisture on your skin, and this promotes faster healing. Using honey on your itchy skin is very simple, as you just need to apply a thin layer on the affected areas and then leave it for 15-20 minutes; after that, you can easily rinse it off with warm water. If you are looking for more hydration, then add coconut oil or olive oil in raw honey. If you have dry or flaky skin, then this remedy is helpful for you.
So, try these home remedies for bright and itch-free skin. Your skin deserves the best care.